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Our school



Our school





School Uniform

For children in Nursery to year 5, our school uniform at Kingfisher compromises of:

  • A white polo shirt
  • Black or grey trousers/skirt/shorts or a pinafore dress
  • Navy blue cardigan/jumper
  • Blue and white checked summer dresses
  • Black school shoes

Our uniform, including sweatshirts, fleeces, cardigans and polo shirts can be purchased with the Kingfisher logo on from Uniform Base in Chatham town center.

Our school uniform for year 6 comprises of:

  • A white shirt
  • A school tie
  • A grey blazer
  • Black or grey trousers or skirt
  • Black school shoes

Blazers and school ties can be purchased from Uniform Base.


Physical Education Uniform

At Kingfisher, there is an expectation that our Griffins wear a suitable PE uniform:

  • Plain house coloured t-shirt (red, yellow, green or blue)
  • Black shorts/jogging bottoms/sports Leggings
  • Sports trainers or plimsolls

Sports trainers must be supportive with good grip to ensure health and safety during lessons.

Outdoor lessons will continue to take place, unless we are experiencing extreme weather conditions that could affect the safety of our students. Therefore, please ensure that your child is fully prepared and adequately dressed for PE lessons that will continue to take place in low temperature and light rain conditions.

Pupils with long hair need it tied up and earrings need to be removed for PE lessons. Any pupil with newly pierced ears must provide tape to cover them up.

Finally, please be aware that a PE kit must be worn to every PE lesson.

Proud Traditions | Wide Horizons | High Achievement
